Sertifikat & Materi Sarasehan Bedah Artikel Teknodik
Sertifikat, materi dan surat undangan/tugas untuk acara sarasehan bedah artikel Teknodik.
Title: Initials:Teknodik |
Research Media, Development and Utilization of Information and CommunicationTechnology for Education. Center of Information and Communication Technology for Education and Culture (Pustekkom), Ministry of Education and Culture (MOEC), published periodical bulletin called TEKNODIK in 1998. In the same year, it then transformed into TEKNODIK Journal, and it is still TEKNODIK Journal until now. In its development, TEKNODIK Journal was accredited by LIPI (Indonesian Science Agency) in July 2011 as well as in 2012 based on the Decision Letter of LIPI Head Number 742/E/2012 with the accreditation number of 464/AU1/P2MI-LIPI/08/2012. TEKNODIK Journal is a media for the authors to publish their ideas, study results, and research results on various aspects of Information and Communication Technology for education, especially in teaching-learning process. Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan are also in collaborates with Asosiasi Pengembang Teknologi Pembelajaran Indonesia (APTPI) |
Sertifikat, materi dan surat undangan/tugas untuk acara sarasehan bedah artikel Teknodik.Jurnal Teknodik Vol. 28 No. 1, Juni 2024
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