Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan pengaruh pendekatan guided inkuiri dengan memberikan tugas menulis karya ilmiah terhadap prestasi belajar sejarah siswa kelas X SMA NW Pancor tahun pembelajaran 2012/2013. Penelitian ini tergolong penelitian kuantitatif dan metode penelitiannya menggunakan penelitian eksperimen. Rancangan eksperimen menggunakan rancangan pre-test/post-test. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas X SMA NW Pancor tahun pembelajaran 2012/2013. Karena populasi penelitian tergolong kecil, dengan demikian penelitian ini termasuk penelitian populasi. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan tes. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan tes, observasi, dan dokumentasi, sedangkan terkait analisis data menggunakan analisis statistik uji-t. Pengujian persyaratan analisis dilakukan dengan metode Liliefors untuk uji normalitas dan metode Barlett untuk uji homogenitas varians. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan penggunaan pendekatan guide inquiri dengan memberikan tugas menulis karya ilmiah berpengaruh terhadap prestasi belajar sejarah siswa kelas X SMA NW Pancor tahun pembelajaran 2012/2013. Hal ini dibuktikan dari hasil penghitungan menggunakan rumus t tes dihasilkan t hitung 5.08 dan t table pada taraf signifikansi 5 % didapatkan batas angka penolakan hipotesis dengan db = 48 adalah 2.08, sehingga t hitung > t tabel (5,08 > 2,08).
Kata Kunci: pendekatan guided inkuiri, karya ilmiah, prestasi belajar
This study aimed to find the effect of guided inquiry approach by giving the task of scientific paper writing on the academic achievement of history subject on NW Pancor high school class X in 2012 to 2013. This study was classified as quantitative research and the research methode used was experiment. The experimental design used a pre-test/post-test design. The population of the study was the X graders of NW Pancor high school year 2012/2013. Because the population of the study was relatively small, thus the research was included in the population study. The instrument of data collecting was test. Test, observation, and documentation were the methods of data collececting, while related to the data analysis, the t-test statistical analysis was used. Requirement test was conducted by using Liliefors method for variance normality test and Barlett method for variance homogeniety test. The result of the study concluded that the use of guided inquiry approach by giving scientific paper writing infuenced the academic achievement of history subject of NW Pancor high school class X students in the year 2012/2013. It was proven by the result of calculation using t test, in which t was 5.08 and t table was in 5% significance level, hypothesis rejection limit in db=48 was 2.08, so the t count > t table ( ( 5.08 > 2.08 ).
Keywords: guided inquiry approach, scientific paper, academic achievement
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