Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang sangat pesat pada abad ini membawa dampak yang sangat signifikan terhadap dunia pendidikan, di mana proses peralihan dari abad industrialisasi ke abad pengetahuan menuntut setiap bidang dalam kehidupan berubah sangat cepat dan harus dapat beradaptasi dengan cepat. Begitu pula dengan pendidikan, karakteristik umum model pembelajaran abad pengetahuan berbeda dengan dengan karakteristik pembelajaran abad industrialisasi. Model praktik pendidikan yang dianggap menguntungkan pada abad industrial, seperti belajar fakta, drill dan praktik, kaidah dan prosedur digantikan dengan belajar dalam konteks dunia nyata, otentik melalui problem dan proyek, inkuiri, discovery, dan invensi dalam praktik abad pengetahuan. Akan tetapi pola belajar yang diterapkan pada masa industrialisasi sudah dianggap tidak cocok lagi di abad pengetahuan, di mana perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi berkembang begitu pesat, dan teknologi tersebut merupakan katalis penting untuk gerakan menuju metode belajar di abad pengetahuan.Makalah ini akan membahas perancangan model pembelajaran abad 21 dengan cara mengintegrasikan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning, Project Oriented Learning, dan Cooperative Learning dengan teknologi informasi Web 2.0.
Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran berbasis proyek, pembelajaran berorientasi proyek, pembelajaran berbasis masalah, pembelajaran kooperatif berbasis Web 2.0.
The rapid development of information technology in this century has brought a very significant impact on the education sector where the process of transition from century of industrialization to the century of knowledge in every aspect of life is changing and adapting quickly. Within the same manner in the aspect of education, the general characteristics of the learning model in the industrial century is different than in the knowledge century. Among many educational practices considered beneficial to the industrial age are learning facts, drill and practice, rules and procedures have been replaced by learning-in-realworld context through authentic problems and projects, inquiry, discovery, and invention in the knowledge century practice. However, the pattern of learning applied at the time of industrialization has been deemed to be unfit anymore in the age of knowledge in which the development of information and communication technology is evolving very rapidly, and the technology is an important catalyst for movement toward learning methods in the knowledge century.This paper will discuss the design of 21st century learning model, learning model design by integrating Projects Based Learning, Project Oriented Learning, and Cooperative Learning with information technology based on web 2.0.
Keyword: Projectbased nearning, project orientedlearning, problem-based learning, Web 2.0 based cooperative learning.
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