Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji berbagai solusi untuk peningkatan kompetensi TIK guru sehingga dapat merancang dan memanfaatkan TIK secara terpadu di dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang pada akhirnya bermuara pada peningkatan proses dan hasil pembelajaran. Masalah yang akan jadi fokus pembahasan adalah berbagai upaya yang kemungkinan dapat meningkatkan kompetensi TIK guru. Hasil kajian mengungkapkan bahwa upaya peningkatan kompetensi TIK guru menuntut dukungan: kebijakan pemerintah pusat dan daerah di bidang pemanfaatan TIK dan pelatihan guru di bidang pemanfaatan TIK, kesadaran guru untuk meningkatkan potensi diri mereka di bidang pemanfaatan TIK,organisasi profesi guru mewadahi penyelenggaraan seminar atau lokakarya, dan menerbitkan jurnal ilmiah, swasta/dunia usaha diharapkan optimal di bidang pemanfaatan TIK untuk pembelajaran melalui tanggung jawab sosial di bidang pendidikan (corporate social responsibility atau csr),kebijakan kepala sekolah untuk penugasan guru mengikuti pelatihan pemanfaatan TIK untuk pembelajaran, dan kepedulian orang tua/masyarakat untuk peningkatan kemampuan TIK guru dapat berupa bantuan peralatan TIK atau motivasi kepada siswa, guru dan sekolah.
Kata Kunci: Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Guru, Kompetensi Guru, Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi
Along with the development of information communication and technology (ICT) and also its potential to support the activities of learning process, the writer had been inspired to conduct a study about teacher’s ICT competency. To do so, the writer had studied various facts and documents about the teacher’s ICT competency and the factors that contribute to it. The focused problems on this writing is variety of efforts to improve teacher’s ICT competency. The findings of the study revealed that those variety of efforts to improve the teacher’s ICT competency demanding support as in the following: (1) the policy of the central and local government and conducting teacher’s training in ICT utilization, (2) awareness of teachers to improve their capacity building in ICT utilization, (3) teacher’s professional organization encouraging for active involvement in seminars or workshops and publish scientific journal), (4) private businesses and their support in the utilization of ICT in learning process through corporate social responsibility (CSR), (5)The head master’s policies to ask teachers following the training in ICT utilization, and (6) Concern from parents / the community to increase teacher’s ICT by procuring the ICT facilities or creating motivation to students, teachers and schools.
Key words: Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Teacher, Competency
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