Kehidupan masyarakat modern cenderung instan dan praktis, serta familier dengan produk teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Namun tuntutan pekerjaan dan budaya bertutur ini menjadikan malas untuk membaca apalagi buku teks. Padahal membaca buku sangat perlu dalam mengikuti perkembangan iptek yang begitu cepat. Tulisan ini bertujuan melakukan kajian terhadap audiobook sebagai media pembelajaran alternatif bagi masyarakat modern. Kajian difokuskan pada 1) konsep dan karakteristik audiobook, 2) produksi audiobook, dan 3) manfaat audiobook. Hasil kajian diketahui bahwa audiobook merupakan rekaman audio yang ada dalam buku baik berupa teks, gambar, dan ilustrasi lainnya. Produksi audiobook dapat dilakukan melalui: analisis kebutuhan, membuat rancangan, rekaman dan editing, review revisi, ujicoba, dan pemanfaatan. Produksi juga dapat mengotimalkan musik dan sound effect. Manfaat audiobook dapat memahami isi buku tanpa harus membaca, bahkan bisa sambil melakukan aktivitas seharihari. Audiobook juga sesuai dengan budaya bangsa Indonesia yang senang bertutur dan kurang suka membaca, membantu bagi kaum tunanetra, dapat menyelamatkan buku-buku kuno, sebagai contoh penghayatan buku karya sastra, serta membantu belajar bahasa asing/ daerah. Oleh karena itu pemerintah dan swasta serta penulis dan penerbit buku perlu membuat konten audiobook baik dari buku teks maupun dari buku fiksi. Begitu pula perlunya regulasi yang jelas terutama hak cipta penulis dan penerbit buku.
Kata kunci: audiobook, buku teks, buku fiksi, media audio pembelajaran
Modern society has a tendency to be instant and practical, as well as to be familiar with information and communication technology products. However, the demands of work and storytelling culture has created a hindrance towards the reading culture, especially the less-stimulated tendency to read textbook whereas reading is necessary as a way to keep up with the rapid development of science and technology. This paper aims to conduct a review of the audiobook as a instructional media for modern society. The study focused on: 1) the concept and characteristics of the audiobook, 2) audiobook production, and 3) the benefits of\ audiobooks. The results of the study show that the audiobook is an audio recording in the consists of text, images, and other illustrations. Audiobook Production can be done through 6 stages: needs analysis, desigining, recording and editing, reviewing/revising, implementing trial, and the utilization. Through production, the music and sound effects can be optimized. One of its primary benefits of audiobooks is that it can enable people to understand the contents of the book while performing daily activities without having to read them. Audiobooks are also the perfect fit for the storytelling culture of Indonesian people who prefer to enjoy speaking more but reading less. This way, the audiobooks can also help the blind and visually impaired to obtain knowledge from books especially ancient books as the way to express literary appreciation as well as to learn a foreign/local language. Therefore, the government and private sector as well as authors and book publishers need to make good contents of audiobook developed from the textbook or from a book of fiction. Similarly, clear regulations, particularly copyrights of authors and book publishers is also needed.
Keywords: audiobook, textbook, fiction book, instructional audio media
Kehidupan masyarakat modern cenderung instan dan praktis, serta familier dengan produk
teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Namun tuntutan pekerjaan dan budaya bertutur ini menjadikan malas
untuk membaca apalagi buku teks. Padahal membaca buku sangat perlu dalam mengikuti perkembangan
iptek yang begitu cepat. Tulisan ini bertujuan melakukan kajian terhadap audiobook sebagai media
pembelajaran alternatif bagi masyarakat modern. Kajian difokuskan pada 1) konsep dan karakteristik
audiobook, 2) produksi audiobook, dan 3) manfaat audiobook. Hasil kajian diketahui bahwa audiobook
merupakan rekaman audio yang ada dalam buku baik berupa teks, gambar, dan ilustrasi lainnya. Produksi
audiobook dapat dilakukan melalui: analisis kebutuhan, membuat rancangan, rekaman dan editing, review
revisi, ujicoba, dan pemanfaatan. Produksi juga dapat mengotimalkan musik dan sound effect. Manfaat
audiobook dapat memahami isi buku tanpa harus membaca, bahkan bisa sambil melakukan aktivitas seharihari. Audiobook juga sesuai dengan budaya bangsa Indonesia yang senang bertutur dan kurang suka
membaca, membantu bagi kaum tunanetra, dapat menyelamatkan buku-buku kuno, sebagai contoh
penghayatan buku karya sastra, serta membantu belajar bahasa asing/ daerah. Oleh karena itu pemerintah
dan swasta serta penulis dan penerbit buku perlu membuat konten audiobook baik dari buku teks maupun
dari buku fiksi. Begitu pula perlunya regulasi yang jelas terutama hak cipta penulis dan penerbit buku.
Kata kunci: audiobook, buku teks, buku fiksi, media audio pembelajaran
Modern society has a tendency to be instant and practical, as well as to be familiar with information
and communication technology products. However, the demands of work and storytelling culture has created
a hindrance towards the reading culture, especially the less-stimulated tendency to read textbook whereas
reading is necessary as a way to keep up with the rapid development of science and technology. This paper
aims to conduct a review of the audiobook as a instructional media for modern society. The study focused
on: 1) the concept and characteristics of the audiobook, 2) audiobook production, and 3) the benefits of
audiobooks. The results of the study show that the audiobook is an audio recording in the consists of text,
images, and other illustrations. Audiobook Production can be done through 6 stages: needs analysis,
desigining, recording and editing, reviewing/revising, implementing trial, and the utilization. Through
production, the music and sound effects can be optimized. One of its primary benefits of audiobooks is that
it can enable people to understand the contents of the book while performing daily activities without having
to read them. Audiobooks are also the perfect fit for the storytelling culture of Indonesian people who prefer
to enjoy speaking more but reading less. This way, the audiobooks can also help the blind and visually
impaired to obtain knowledge from books especially ancient books as the way to express literary appreciation
as well as to learn a foreign/local language. Therefore, the government and private sector as well as
authors and book publishers need to make good contents of audiobook developed from the textbook or
from a book of fiction. Similarly, clear regulations, particularly copyrights of authors and book publishers is
also needed.
Keywords: audiobook, textbook, fiction book, instructional audio media
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