Sejak diperkenalkan kepada masyarakat tahun 2012, permintaan layanan Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) Online dari daerah terus bertambah. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan studi yang bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kesesuaian pelaksanaan pelayanan Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) Online dengan juklak dan juknisnya khususnya yang menyangkut pembiayaan, persyaratan minimal yang harus dipenuhi daerah, komitmen dari pihak yang menjalin kerjasama dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya, serta kelancaran konektivitas layanan. Studi dilaksanakan di kota Pekanbaru pada tanggal 24 sampai dengan 28 Juni 2013. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan dengan wawancara, pengamatan lapangan, dan memeriksa dokumentasi. Responden studi adalah penanggung jawab kegiatan, supervisor, operator, tenaga teknis dari Pustekkom Kemdikbud, dan orang tua siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Layanan PPDB Online diberikan secara gratis, (2) Dinas Pendidikan Kota Pekanbaru telah memenuhi pesyaratan minimal untuk diberikan layanan PPDB Online secara gratis, (3) Pustekkom Kemdikbud dan Dinas Pendidikan Kota telah melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya dengan baik sesuai dengan komitmen yang telah disepakati, dan (4) Konektivitas layanan belum lancar secara optimal (atau belum dapat sepenuhnya berjalan dengan lancar). Oleh karena itu, untuk mengatasi masalah konektivitas layanan PPDB Online di masa yang akan datang, disarankan agar diadakan simulasi/ujicoba layanan PPDB Online terlebih dahulu.
Kata Kunci: TIK, Infrastruktur TIK, Aplikasi berbasis WEB, dan PPDB Online.
Since its introduction to public in 2012, the service request for Online Admission Application System for New Students (PPDB Online) from districts has continued to increase. It is therefore necessary to conduct a study aims to evaluate the conformity of the implementation of PPDB Online based on its guidelines, particularly regarding the financing, minimum requirements needed to fulfill by District, the commitment from related parties that in carrying out their duties and responsibilities, and the smooth connectivity of the service. The study ws conducted in the city of Pekanbaru from June 24 to June 28, 2013. The data collection was obtained by interviews, field observations, and checking the documentation. The respondents were person in charge (PIC), supervisors, operators, technical personnels from Pustekkom Kemdikbud, and parents. Data was analyzed descriptively. The results of the study indicated that (1) PPDB Online service is provided for free, (2) Educational Division at Pekanbaru City has met the minimum requirements for a free-of-charge service of PPDB Online, (3) Pustekkom Kemdikbud and Educational Division at Pekanbaru City have carried out their duties and responsibilities properly in accordance with the approved commitments , and (4) the connectivity of the service has not yet optimally implemented (or has not yet run smoothly). Therefore, to overcome the connectivity issue in PPDB Online in the future, it is suggested to conduct a simulation / testing services beforehand.
Keywords: ICT, ICT Infrastructure, Web-Based Application, Online Admission Application System for New Students
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