The Effect of Differentiated Project-based Learning with Geographic Inquiry Activities to Students’ Spatial Thinking Skill
Berpikir Spasial, Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi, Gaya Belajar, Geographic InquiryAbstract
Penelitan ini mengkaji aktivitas geographic inquiry pada project-based learning untuk meningkatkan berpikir spasial siswa. Diferensiasi yang dimasukkan sebagai variable moderator berupa gaya belajar. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 64 siswa SMK yang belajar pemetaan topografi pada Program Keahlian Geologi Pertambangan. Data yang didapat kemudian dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA dua jalur, dengan faktorial 2x3 melalui program SPSS 24. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) ada perbedaan signifikan antar model pembelajaran terhadap keterampilan berpikir spasial, dengan nilai sig 0,003; 2) ada perbedaan signifikan antar gaya belajar terhadap keterampilan berpikir spasial, dengan nilai sig 0,004; dan 3) ada interaksi signifikan antara model pembelajaran dan gaya belajar terhadap keterampilan berpikir spasial, dengan nilai sig 0,000. Aktivitas geographical inquiry pada project-based learning paling sesuai digunakan pada siswa dengan gaya belajar kinestetik.
This research examines geographic inquiry activities in project-based learning to improve students' spatial thinking skill. The differentiation included as a moderator variable is the students’ learning style. The subject of this research is 64 Students who learn topographic mapping in Geological Mining Vocational Program. The achieved data is analyzed by using two lines ANOVA with the 2x3 factorial through SPSS 24 program. The result shows that: 1) there is significant difference between the learning models to spatial thinking skill, with the sig value of 0.003; 2) there is significant difference between the learning styles to spatial thinking skill, with the sig value of 0.004; and 3) there is significant interaction between the learning model as well as learning style and spatial thinking skill, with sig value 0.000. Geographical inquiry activities in project-based learning is most suitable used by the students with kinesthetic learning style.
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